Question settings¶
Here we list the different options you have to customize your questions.
Select question type from the dropdown list. You can read about all the question types here.
Edit question, answers and options
- Language:
- Select the language of the question from the dropdown.
- Only the most spoken languages are included for now.
- Question
- Type the text of your question here.
- Correct answers:
- By default, each of the correct answers must be entered to achieve full score for the question.
- This will slightly differ for different question types.
- For example, True statements will be shown, if your question type is True or False.
- Additional options
- This will slightly differ for different question types, or not even be present.
- For example, False statements will be shown, if your question type is True or False.
- However, it won't show for Numerical questions.
- Question format
- Normal, text-based: suitable for questions that only include text.
- Advanced, with LaTeX formulas: suitable for questions that include mathematical expressions and formulas.
- If you use LaTeX within your question, it will automatically be set to this format.
- Long, text-based: for questions that have lengthy texts.
- Hide answers
- With this option you can hide the answers even from the results page.
- Answers are always hidden when filling the test, regardless of this setting.
- Shuffle options
- Default: shuffle all items
- ABC order: display items in alphabetical order
There might be additional fields depending on the question type.
Category, difficulty, source and other classification parameters
- School subject
- Select from the dropdown
- If you need more subjects, contact us!
- Category
- Difficulty
- Specify the level of the question
- Source
- Uploading infringing content is forbidden!
- If you have the right to use content from a third party source, please indicate it here.
- Can be a publication, web page, author, etc...
- Grouping
- Tags
Answering and Scoring¶
Scoring, order, tags and answer-related settings
- Points: score given for a fully correct answer
- Default (1 point)
- Not scored
- Custom
- Manual scoring
- No (default)
- When answer is not fully correct
- Always
- Penalty points: test takers can receive penalty points based on
configuration. Unanswered questions are not penalized and will result in 0 points.
- None (default)
- Custom
- Method
- Default: Test takers receive penalty points for a question only if every
answer entered is incorrect.
- For every incorrect answer
- For specifying only incorrect answers, subtracted once
- Value: penalty points
- Maximum: Maximum penalty
- Indefinite: It's useful when you don't want to show how many correct
answers you expect.
- Set number of answer fields
- Any number of answers can be given
- Order and labels
- Answer order does not matter (default)
- Answer order does matter
- Labeled answers, in order
- Answer labels can be set if this option is selected. This is the text show in the answer field
- Note
- type your comment, which will appear under the question
- Private note
- add personal note
- Explanation
- an explanation displayed next to the answer after evaluation
Manage hints and solution steps.
During exams, homeworks and championships none of these options will be displayed!
- Hints
- There are no hints for this question
- Add hints to this question
- Step-by-step: Add hint(s)
- Penalty:
- Once, 20% (default)
- None
- Only once
- For every step
- Points (%): Specify pentaly percentage for each step
- Solution
- There are no solution steps for this question
- Add solution steps to this question
- Step-by-step: Add soution step(s)
- Image: Optionally, you can upload an image for a solution step
- Penalty:
- Once, 40% (default)
- None
- Only once
- For every step
- Points (%): Specify pentaly percentage for each step
- Related videos
- No related videos to this question
- Add related videos to this question
- Videos: specify EduBase video ID
- Penalty:
- Once, 40% (default)
- None
- Only once
Manage images¶
Upload or change question image
Images can be embedded in the question text using the [[IMAGE:file_name.jpg]] EduTag, with the correct filename and extension, both being case-sensitive.
- Question image: upload new image
- Upload will only begin after saving the question.
- Display settings
- Next to the question in the corner, enlarged by clicking (default)
- After the question, under the text
Manage attachments and media¶
If enabled, you will also be able to add attachments, video or audio to questions. These work similarly to images, with the exception that they cannot be embedded in the question text using EduTags.
With parameters you can create always-varying questions.
Usage of parameters¶
To use the parameters, you need to put the name of the parameter in curly brackets. For example, (in case of parameter p), a possible question text: "What is {p}+{p}?"
Parameters can be used in the question, options, hints, solutions and even in the constraints.
- Generated parameters
- No parameters (default)
- Manually defined
- Name of the parameter
- Type
- FIX: specify the value (e.g., name: e, value: 2.71828)
- INTEGER: specify the inclusive range from which the parameter should be choosen from (e.g., 1 - 10)
- FLOAT: specify the inclusive range and precision from which the parameter should be choosen from (e.g., 1.5 - 4.15)
- FORMULA: specify an expression, in which you can use other parameters - including other FORMULA parameters - as well, referenced within curly brackets (e.g., name: d, expression: {b}^2-4*{a}*{c})
- LIST: specify a list of values from which one will be randomly selected (e.g., name: animals, values: dog, cat, snake)
- Synchronize LIST: more on this feature below.
- Do not synchronize (default)
- Synchronize
- Constraints
- No constraints (default)
- Unique parameter values: all parameters will have different values, even
if they have overlapping ranges.
- Manually defined
- Define an expression that has to be true for the parameters. Examples:
- {b}^2-4*{a}*{c} > 0
- {a} = {b} + 1
As mentioned above, optionally, you can synchronize LIST parameters. It will instruct EduBase to select the item with the same index from each list. This option requires you to enter exactly the same number of options for each LIST parameter.
- Example, for which LIST synchronization would be suitable:
- "How many legs do {n} {animals}s have?
- {n}: INTEGER from 2 to 10.
- {animals}: LIST of [dog, penguin, snake]
- {legs}: LIST of [4, 2, 0]
- correct answer: {n}*{legs}
- We have to synchronize the number of {legs} with the randomly chosen animal from {animals}.
- "How many legs do {n} {animals}s have?
Plot graphs under the question
- There is no graph for this question (default)
- Plotting custom functions under the question
- Set default horizontal (x) axis range.
- Set default vertical (y) axis range.
- List of functions, that you must express in terms of x
- For example: x^2, x + 1, -x^3*log(x)
- Optional list of x ranges, on which functions are plotted
Advanced settings (for some question types)¶
Manage precision, tolerance and other parameters
- Precision
- Number of digits following the decimal point, 2 by default
- Tolerance
- Exact match (default)
- The answer has to be exact.
- Absolute tolerance
- Specify the maximum tolerable error.
- For example, if the absolute tolerance is set to 2 and the answer is 10, 8 will also be considered as a correct answer, but not 13.
- Relative tolerance
- Specify the maximum tolerable error in percentages
- For example, if the relative tolerance is set to 15% and the answer is 20, 23 will also be considered as a correct answer, but not 16.
- Integer multiple of solution is also correct
- Default: independently for each answer
- Synchronized: same scalar/quotient for all answers
- For example, if the answer is the Pythagorean triple (3,4,5), we might want to accept integer multiples of these as well, such as (6,8,10), (9,12,15), etc... but each element must be scaled by the same scalar.
- Scalar multiple of solution is also correct
- For example, a nonzero scalar multiple of an eigenvector is equivalent to the original eigenvector.
- Exact match (default)
- Verification type
- Verification precision: Only modify this if you are experiencing problems with the automatic evaluation. You can fine tune this value to improve answer verification.
- Variables
- x (default)
- You can manually add more variables if you need.
- For example, your expression type question have a multivariable answer - such as x^2*sin(y) - so you have to introduce y as a variable as well.
- Variable types
- Automatic
- Evaluation iterations: Set the number of iterations used for evaluation.
- 5 (default)
- Generation settings
- Minimum and maximum
- Inside
- Outside